Geissler & Gas Discharge Tubes |
This section includes Geissler tubes and their immediate descendants, including spectrum tubes, flash tubes and laser tubes. Some tubes of this type, such as laser tubes and hollow cathode light sources, have legitimate industrial or scientific uses, but the majority of gas discharge tubes are marketed as purely decorative devices. Gas discharge tubes also saw use as demonstration or teaching tools for high school and college physics classes, allowing for the direct viewing of various electrical and physical effects in a classroom setting. |
Crookes Eye Tube | |
Sometimes tube collectors come across something truly bizarre. This strange device is a Crookes tube which contains a large glass eye under a tangle of filament wire. Both the glass eye and the containing tube are filled with argon, a small internal pinhole connects the two chambers of the tube. When high voltage is passed between the two electrodes of the tube, the gas discharge causes UV sensitive glass in the iris of the glass eye to glow. This very strange tube is a modern creation, and was manufactured by the glassblower Dylan Kehde Roelofs sometime prior to 2016. Suffice to say, collectors should not confuse a mutant organism such as this with the much more common Magic Eye tuning indicator tube. No radio known has ever used this thing as a tuning indicator, and if one did, it could likely only be used to communicate with Cenobites and other extradimensional beings. |
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