IEE Apollo DA-2110 Numitron Tube (DA2110, RCA DR-2110)  
Written by AnubisTTP on 2016-10-27  


The DA-2110, manufactured by IEE, is a subminiature version of the larger and more common DA-2010 filament display. This tube contains a small seven segment filament display with decimal point and has a nine pin flying lead base. As with the DA2010, the DA2110 has holes in its plate for a plus symbol that are unused in this model of tube. RCA also made a variant of this display, the DR2110. The RCA version is almost identical to the IEE tube, with the exception of a slightly thicker support wafer for the filaments.

IEE Numitrons Datasheet (PDF, covers numerous devices, including the DA2010 and DA2020)


Apollo DA2110 Numitron Tube
IEE Apollo DA-2110 Numitron Tube.

RCA DR2110 Numitron Tube
RCA also made a variant of this display, the DR-2110. The RCA version is almost identical to the IEE tube, with the exception of a slightly thicker support wafer for the filaments.

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